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Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 3:03 AM

Betts and Crain named ERA 2020 STAR students

Betts and Crain named ERA 2020 STAR students

East Rankin Academy (ERA) recently named two STAR Students-Tyler Betts and Ethan Crain. Both Betts and Crain scored 36 on the ACT.

The Mississippi Economic Council and the M.B. Swayze Foundation sponsor the Student-Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) Program in an effort to encourage scholastic achievement among Mississippi’s high school seniors. To be eligible for the STAR Student honor, a student must have an overall ACT composite of at least 5 and an overall average of 93 or above. If a school has more than one senior with an overall ACT composite score of 35 or above with the required grade point average, each student is designated a STAR Student.

Tyler Betts is the son of Michael and Shirell Betts of Morton. Betts is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society), and ERA’s ACT 30 or Above Team. He has also been named a Finalist in the National Merit Foundation Scholarship Program. Betts serves as captain for East Rankin Academy’s Academic Quiz Bowl Team, Science Bowl Team, History Bowl Team, and the Mississippi College Science and Math Tournament Team. He is also a member of ERA’s Robotics Team and Basketball Team. Bertts plans to attend the University of Alabama and major in mechanical engineering. Betts chose Mr. Josh Stuart as his STAR Teacher.

Ethan Crain is the son of Joey and Julie Crain of Forest. Crain is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society), and ERA’s ACT 30 or Above Team. He has also been named a Commended Student in the National Merit Foundation Scholarship Program. Crain serves as captain of the school’s robotics team and is a member of East Rankin Academy’s Academic Quiz Bowl Team, Science Bowl Team, History Bowl Team, and the Mississippi College Science and Math Tournament Team. He is also a member of the Soccer Team and served as videographer for the football team. Crain plans to attend the University of Mississippi and has been accepted to the Haley Barbour Center for Manufacturing Excellence with plans to major in electrical engineering. Crain chose Mrs. Julie Crain as his STAR Teacher.


