In Pelahatchie, we are accustomed to hot summers. That is certainly not breaking news to anyone reading this. But, currently, we are right in the middle of the dog days of summer. Growing up in Rankin County, I loved the dog days of summer, mostly because it meant I was able to play baseball almost every day. The summer league team I played for in high school would play multiple doubleheaders every week throughout the summer. Oftentimes, I’d pitch one game and play as an outfielder in the other. While getting the sign from my catcher, I can remember sweat dripping from the end of my nose or my hat (sometimes at the same time!). By the second inning of the first game, there would not be a dry spot left on my uniform. I’m sure there were days when I complained of that intense heat, but my only memories of those days now just create a longing to have the opportunity to play one more game. Most of my family thinks I’m crazy, but I’d rather it be 100+ degrees outside than 40 degrees every single day. Perhaps my memories of the dog days of summer playing ball are the reason I prefer it hot. But I realize many, including my family, do not.
As we endure these days of intense heat (it is literally 96 with a heat index of 106 as I write this), it makes me think of a temperature reference in the Bible. It is not a literal outside temperature reference, but a temperature analogy measuring a person’s love for God. In the very last book of the Bible, Revelation, the apostle John records Jesus saying these words to one of the churches of that day: “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Jesus, of course, desires an intense, hot love and devotion from His followers. But, He makes a strong statement here. He said that He would prefer cold love and devotion, (read nothing at all), over stale, lukewarm love and devotion. Lukewarm love and devotion toward God looks like apathy or just going through the motions. It looks like going to church just because it’s expected or because it’s the cultural thing to do in the South on Sundays. Jesus is saying He doesn’t need our begrudging obligation or our cultural pretending. What He desires is what He deserves! And that is loving Him with all of our heart, with all of our soul, with all of our mind, and with all of our strength. It is loving and following Him with an intense, Mississippi-like heat! But He doesn’t desire or demand this out of vanity. He desires it because He alone is most worthy and also because He is the source of our salvation and richest satisfaction. Pastor and author, John Piper, writes, “God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.” When we pursue Him with hot love and devotion, we will never be more satisfied in our lives. For the saved, this will be our reality in Heaven, but it is meant to be our reality now as well. I can certainly admit that my love and devotion to Jesus doesn’t always burn at the white-hot level He deserves. If you’re honest, I bet you would say the same. But, whenever our love thermostat for Jesus drops, His Holy Spirit is there to give us a heat check!
If you have yet to receive salvation and experience the satisfaction found only in Jesus, I invite you to talk with a pastor or trusted friend about what the Bible says about how you can know Him. If no one comes to mind, my door is always open to you! Fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11) are available to you in Him. Finally, brother or sister, Jesus doesn’t need nor does He take pleasure in apathetic, going through the motions worship. He desires and deserves our Mississippi-heat level of love!