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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 1:53 AM

City Beat: Mayor, Alderman meeting for November 4, 2024

City Beat: Mayor, Alderman meeting for November 4, 2024


By Shaun McInnish, Sr., City Beat Writer, Pelahatchie News

The regular monthly meeting of the Pelahatchie Mayor and Board of Aldermen took place on Monday, November 4, 2024, and was called to order at 5:58 PM by Mayor Karl Vanhorn. Mr. Frank Boyd led the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call confirmed that all aldermen and alderwomen were present: Diane Hill, Sandra Harvey, Margie Warren, Eddie Jones, and James Harrell.

Resident and Visitor Discussions
1. Renee Buyner had signed up to raise concerns regarding nuisance issues at College Street and Munsterman Avenue but was not present at the meeting.
2. Joe Lane Kelly, of Fairway Foods, along with an associate from Harris Law Firm, presented a request for a variance in the Heritage District and approval to open Fairway Wine and Spirits, a proposed liquor store. His attorney stated they were seeking a variance for the Heritage District. The motion was tabled until next month’s meeting.
3. Brendan Sartin, owner of Sartin Law Firm, Los Amigos, and several other businesses in Rankin County, addressed the Board with his opposition to allowing any variance or opening a liquor store in the town’s Heritage District. (Editor’s note: Sartin Law Firm is directly across the street from the proposed Fairway Wine and Spirits liquor store.) Sartin reminded the Board that the town’s liquor ordinance prohibits such proximity to an existing liquor store. Since Kelly’s request for a variance was tabled until December, there was no formal opposition to address during this meeting.
4. Benchmark Engineering & Surveying, LLC was scheduled to discuss plans for the development of commercial property on Second Street, but no representative was present.
5. David Hegwood stated he had purchased property on Highway 43 and paid $19,800 from his personal funds for sewer line installation, including boring and engineering costs. Due to these expenses, he proposed a 10-year deferral on his sewer bills. The request was tabled for further research until next month’s meeting.
6. Frankie Boyd requested a building permit to establish a non-profit business at 302 Munsterman Avenue, currently zoned as residential. Boyd sought guidance on the next steps and requested approval to move a new building to the area for business purposes.
7. Patsy Watson, on behalf of Tiffany Lewis and Julius Lewis, spoke to the Board about housing and community concerns. She highlighted the lack of housing options for young people and emphasized the need for greater diversity in town.

Departmental Updates:
Police Department: No new business.
Maintenance Department: No new business.
Zoning: Police Chief Mahaffey, who also serves as the town’s zoning administrator, reported delays in approving new home construction applications. He proposed approving smaller projects on a case-by-case basis without waiting for the town’s Comprehensive Plan. Alderman Hill made a motion to approve this approach, which was seconded by Alderman Harvey. The motion passed.
Clerk’s Office: Addressed issues related to a water bill for 204 Clayton Street.

Executive Session:
Alderman Jones made a motion to enter executive session, seconded by Alderman Harrell. The Board, along with the police chief, town attorney, and clerks, entered the session at 6:43 PM. The town attorney announced the executive session at 6:54 PM, citing multiple reasons that required privacy. The session concluded at 7:20 PM.
Following the session, the Board approved the pre-construction processes for the proposed 45-home neighborhood in town, developed by Scott May of S&S Builders of Mississippi. Alderman Harvey made the motion, seconded by Alderman Harrell. A second matter from the executive session was tabled.

New Business:
1. Approval of Minutes: The Board approved the minutes from the October 7, 2024, meeting. Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Hill.
2. Payment of Claims: The Board approved payment of the unpaid claims docket. Motion by Alderwoman Warren, seconded by Alderman Jones.
3. Insurance Payment: The Board approved a bank draft payment to Morgan and White Insurance for $1,044.70 (secondary to BCBS coverage). Motion by Warren, seconded by Jones.
4. Blue Cross Payment: A bank draft payment to Blue Cross Insurance for $9,223.44 was approved. Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Hill.
5. Payroll Ratification: Payroll payments for October 2024 were approved: General Fund: $69,194.98 and Enterprise Fund: $25,409.87. Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Harrell.
6. Building Permits Resolution: The Board approved a resolution to lift or repeal the existing order on issuing new building permits. Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell.
7. Development Ordinance: The Board approved the development ordinance discussed in the previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell.

Alderman Discussions:
Alderman Hill proposed using leftover town funds to repair streets, ensuring completed sections were repaired in their entirety.
Alderman Jones thanked the town for trimming and cutting trees as needed.
Mayor VanHorn reminded everyone about the town’s Thanksgiving dinner for seniors and the annual Christmas parade scheduled for December 7 at 10:00 AM.

The meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM following a motion by Alderman Jones and a second by Alderman Harrell.



