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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:14 AM

City Beat: Mayor, Alderman meeting for February 3, 2025

City Beat: Mayor, Alderman meeting for February 3, 2025

By Shaun McInnish, Sr., City Beat Writer, Pelahatchie News

The Pelahatchie Board of Aldermen held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 3, 2025, at 6:03 p.m. at Town Hall. Mayor Karl VanHorn called the meeting to order, followed by an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. All aldermen were present: Diane Hill, Sandra Harvey, Margie Warren, Eddie Jones, and James Harrell.

Residents and Visitors’ Business:
1. Mr. Joe Lane Kelly and an associate from Harris Law Firm appeared before the board, stating that they had been requesting approval for a conditional use permit to open Fairway Liquor Store since October 2024. They reiterated that the Heritage District allows for conditional use permits and argued that the liquor store would bring additional business and tax revenue to the town. Mr. Kelly cited town ordinances regarding the Heritage District to support their request and asked the board to grant the permit.The city attorney stated that no application for the permit had been filed. The Police Chief clarified that the business owner must submit an application, apply for a permit, and then go through the town’s public hearing process before the board can vote on approval.
2. Mrs. Frankie Boyd [209A Clayton Avenue] provided updates on floor plans for her building permit, presenting a final draft of her plans. The Police Chief confirmed that, as stated in the previous meeting, as long as her plans comply with state regulations, he would approve the permit. Boyd stated she would follow up with the chief if any issues arise.
3. Mr. Barry Clark presented plans for a couple of commercial developments. One development is across the street from Los Amigos on Highway 80. Dr. Mary Ann Griffin plans to build a new doctor’s office next to the Lampton Love Propane building and Clark requested board approval to begin dirt work. Griffin’s office would have its own entrance off Highway 80, and there are additional plans for another office building and another retail building nearby in the future. Alderman Jones made a motion to approve the request, Alderman Hill seconded, and the motion passed with all in favor.

New Business:
1. The board approved the minutes from the January 6, 2025 meeting. Motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Hill; the motion passed with all in favor.
2. The board approved the payment of the unpaid claims docket. Motion was made by by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell; the motion passed with all in favor.
3. The board approved a bank draft payment of $9,002.63 to Blue Cross Insurance. Motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell; the motion passed with all in favor.
4. The board approved a bank draft payment of $5,916.31 to EMC Insurance for property insurance. Motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell; the motion passed with all in favor.
5. The board approved and ratified the payroll payments for January 2025, which included $72,086.41 for the General Fund and $26,532.56 for the Enterprise Fund. Motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Hill; the motion passed with all in favor.
6. The board approved the payment of the claims for the month. Motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell; the motion passed with all in favor.

Executive Session:
The board entered executive session at 6:31 p.m. (Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Hill; the motion passed with all in favor.) The board returned from executive session at 6:54 p.m. and resumed the regular meeting.

Alderman Discussions:
Alderwoman Diane Hill asked when American Spirits Liquor Store would be opening. Mayor VanHorn responded that he was told the store is expected to open by the first of March, with an invite-only soft opening happening soon.

Alderwoman Sandra Harvey stated that she would like to see street lines repainted where they are missing and suggested that the town contact a striping company to complete the work.

Alderwoman Margie Warren raised concerns about stray cats and dogs near her home. The Police Chief stated that the town has limited options due to the Rankin County Animal Shelter operating over maximum capacity. Alderwoman Warren also asked for an update on Joe Lane Kelly’s liquor store approval and questioned why it was taking so long. The city attorney responded that a public hearing must be held first before a decision can be made.

Mayor VanHorn announced that all tornado sirens in town are now working as of January 31 and were tested on February 3 to ensure functionality. However, the siren located at N. Brooks Street and Lake Road remains inoperable, as it belongs to Rankin County.

Mayor VanHorn also asked for a vote to add verbiage to the town ordinance to include liquor stores. Motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Harrell; voted in favor by Aldermen Jones, Harrell, Warren, and Harvey; Alderman Hill voted nay. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. (Motion by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Hill; the motion passed with all in favor.)


